How do I design

It looks that in the future we won’t have to know HTML or PHP but we will be using new software, similar to Muse released by Adobe. Of course they will always find the way to charge you for it, so knowing how to code from scratch will save you money. At the moment I can publish it as a test and investigate the code…

First thing I should do is plan my website, are there any cool widgets for that?;P


Researching, there is a lot of information, advise, tutorials and materials. At the moment a little bit over whelming, especially if you are trying to set up your own server and have limited resources. It all sounds well advanced, but really I am blind in this world. As usual making the decision of what not to use is the hardest of tasks. I would like to have a warm texture and a white background at the same time thing. Flat, big typography and really subtle typography. Big, shiny buttons and minimalistic simple buttons. Oh dear..

Last few days I have checked:
Pod 1 -as future employer;)

Articles on creative stuff

Some help with the grids and layout for a page of 960px

and downloaded this for the shear beauty of it and fact it could be useful

buttons download link


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